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What Results To Expect: Laser Hair Removal Treatments 1 - 3

22 Dec 2014

Are you just starting laser hair removal? Or are you still on the fence about whether or not laser is right for you? Having a great laser hair removal experience often depends on your understanding of the results process. 

Beginning laser hair removal is one of the best decisions you will make, so let's walk you through the expected results you may experience during your first 3 treatments with Simplicity!



Treatment 1 - 3 Results:

Slower regrowth

It is common for clients to notice the time between your hair growing back being longer than normal in the treated region after treatment. So instead of having to shave every other day, you may be able to go a few days or even a week without shaving. An immediate change in hair growth patterns is a good sign.

Softer finer hair

This change is often more noticeable on people with dark coarse hair, but you may still notice a change if your hair isn't a dark or coarse. 

Slight patchiness in regrowth

When your hair does grow back in you might notice hairs are not as densely populated as before and some areas may be patchy!  This is great; just keep the end goal of hair-free skin in mind!

Redness or mild swelling

Some clients may experience some redness or swelling. This is minor and should go away in a few hours. 

Treatment 1 - 3 Takeaways

Don't worry if you are not displaying all of these signs after the first three treatments, everyone has different skin and hair growth patterns. Keep in mind dark coarse hair responds faster than lighter, finer hair. It is important to communicate all results to your technician and keep up with the consistent treatments.

Since this is only the beginning of your treatment, patience is important during this stage. Your first few visits will show some improvements but multiple treatments are the key to successful hair reduction. Congratulations on starting your journey to becoming hair free!